Thursday, November 10, 2011

"This was a lovely event, but the loveliness isn't actually my focus here! Complete and totally blunt assholery is."

Ok, so...

What is wrong with people!! A few weeks ago, I was on the Light The Night Walk in support of the Leukemia and Lymphoma society and their attempts to find a cure for blood cancer. It was a very moving event. Over 800 walkers filled the streets of Halifax in a peaceful homage to those who are fighting the aggressive battle with cancer, and sadly, to those who have lost it as well. Each walker carries a lit balloon and there are all different colours. One for supporting the cause, another to show that you are a survivor, and another if you are walking  in memory of someone who has passed. The walk even passed by the IWK where children who were fighting blood cancers sat at the window with glow sticks to thank all that got involved.

This was a lovely event, but the loveliness isn't actually my focus here! Complete and totally blunt assholery is. As we were walking, there was a gentleman (pushing a STROLLER no less) who decided that it would be tasteful to yell "GO HOME" TWICE, before veering off into the HALIFAX INFIRMARY!!! Are you serious! Someone you know is sick, and you thought it would be funny (or insulting, or clever...I don't know) to yell at people who are trying to help others who are suffering the same fate - frequent hospital visits and overnight stays!? Sir, I find it hard to believe that anyone was inclined to have children with you, thinking that you may be a good father and perhaps a fabulous influence. I'm more inclined to think that is was an accident and how she's stuck with you, but what do I know...maybe she's an awful human being too. Either way, I hope your child grows up to be a better person than you! Ugh!

Anyway, sorry for my absence and all that blither. I'm a failure at staying on top of this...but I'm going to try.

Hoping you are better than that guy,

 - Jenn

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