Life is funny isn't it? It's amazing how some aspects of your being can be in total turmoil, while other parts seem to be finding their way to some sort of actual solitude. The answers always come from somewhere you aren't even looking and probably never would if the events prior to it hadn't culminated just so. Ironic.
Anyway, I found this in my facebook notes from quite awhile ago. It's good for a laugh:
Our lager
Which art in barrels
Hallowed be thy drink
Thy will be drunk, (I will be drunk)
At home as it is in the tavern
Give us this day our foamy head
And forgive us our spillage
As we forgive those who spill against us
And lead us not into incarceration
But deliver us from hangovers
For thine is the beer, the bitter, and the lager
My weekend. To a tee :P
- Jenn
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
"This is excluding the few people out there who really are obtuse, unequivocal pigs."
Ok, so...
Pubcrawls and Jenn should not ever conspire to make an appearance together. I never manage to get through them without doing something stupid. However, as stupid as what I did this time was (and incidently, I did feel really bad about it), I've come to realize that I suddenly don't feel that bad at all. A very good friend of mine once said that I seem to attract men who are in relationships, and that maybe it was because I'm a bit of a "wild child" and look like I would be up for things that a lot of other girls wouldn't be. She said "are they going to pick the conservative prude? No. They are going to go for the crazy, outgoing girl that likes to have fun. That's exactly what stands out about you when you become the target." If I were to fess up and be honest, and I will be for the sake of this blog, then that is very true. I don't apologize for what happens in my all equals lessons learned (salient lesson #3). So here is the lesson:
I attract guys who are in problem relationships. My ex was in one, "bucket list" is in one..and actually several others whom I've met and since left behind long before the creation of this blog were also in one. If we were really to break cheating down to a science (and this is excluding the few people out there who really are obtuse, unequivocal pigs), we would realize that those who cheat, male and female, usually (which is why I mentioned the pigs) do so because they are unhappy with what they have. To some degree, the relationship that they are a part of isn't offering them something they need. Either it's suffering from long-distance syndrome, bad sex (or lack there of), poor emotional support, someone's crippling shortfall of self confidence...and I could go on, but I think you get my point: The problems being had could be a combination including all, or none, of those things I just mentioned...but either way, something isn't happening for them leaving problems to exist and the yearning for some sort of an outlet.
As someone who has never cheated (out of luck, or morals...I'm not really sure?) I have only ever belonged to one half of the equation (the key 1+1=2 equation that divides the ownership of responsibility between the two parties involved), the half that becomes involved without technically doing something wrong. I say technically because that depends on how you see it. Some would say that if you aren't the one in the relationship, you owe nothing to anyone and shouldn't feel bad for your actions. Others would say that you are at fault because you allowed yourself to take part in something that would inevitably cause someone else pain (whether you know them or not). I will not express where my opinion lies on this, but simply leave it as something you can decide on for yourselves. There are valid arguments for both. The point is, these problem relationships exist, and I draw the attention of people who are in them.
I, in no way, am claiming that I think that I am the answer to all of these things either. I'm not saying that I find long-distance easy, am unbelievable in the sack, know how to support someone through every awful thing that could happen to them, or that I have unwavering conviction in myself everyday...but I do know what it feels like to be in a relationship that I wasn't sold on...and now, what it feels like to not be. I may be lonely sometimes, and even momentarily question the faith that I have in myself to have made the right decision...but at the end of the day, it was right for me.
I guess what I'm saying is, as someone who has been in a problem relationship, and as someone who seems to have known/does know quite a few people who are in one...are you in one? It's a really hard thing to delve into because it involves taking such an arduous, intricate look at yourself (something I've been focussing on a lot lately) and deciding on whether or not you are getting everything you need - a challenge even on the best of days.
Just food for thought,
- Jenn
Pubcrawls and Jenn should not ever conspire to make an appearance together. I never manage to get through them without doing something stupid. However, as stupid as what I did this time was (and incidently, I did feel really bad about it), I've come to realize that I suddenly don't feel that bad at all. A very good friend of mine once said that I seem to attract men who are in relationships, and that maybe it was because I'm a bit of a "wild child" and look like I would be up for things that a lot of other girls wouldn't be. She said "are they going to pick the conservative prude? No. They are going to go for the crazy, outgoing girl that likes to have fun. That's exactly what stands out about you when you become the target." If I were to fess up and be honest, and I will be for the sake of this blog, then that is very true. I don't apologize for what happens in my all equals lessons learned (salient lesson #3). So here is the lesson:
I attract guys who are in problem relationships. My ex was in one, "bucket list" is in one..and actually several others whom I've met and since left behind long before the creation of this blog were also in one. If we were really to break cheating down to a science (and this is excluding the few people out there who really are obtuse, unequivocal pigs), we would realize that those who cheat, male and female, usually (which is why I mentioned the pigs) do so because they are unhappy with what they have. To some degree, the relationship that they are a part of isn't offering them something they need. Either it's suffering from long-distance syndrome, bad sex (or lack there of), poor emotional support, someone's crippling shortfall of self confidence...and I could go on, but I think you get my point: The problems being had could be a combination including all, or none, of those things I just mentioned...but either way, something isn't happening for them leaving problems to exist and the yearning for some sort of an outlet.
As someone who has never cheated (out of luck, or morals...I'm not really sure?) I have only ever belonged to one half of the equation (the key 1+1=2 equation that divides the ownership of responsibility between the two parties involved), the half that becomes involved without technically doing something wrong. I say technically because that depends on how you see it. Some would say that if you aren't the one in the relationship, you owe nothing to anyone and shouldn't feel bad for your actions. Others would say that you are at fault because you allowed yourself to take part in something that would inevitably cause someone else pain (whether you know them or not). I will not express where my opinion lies on this, but simply leave it as something you can decide on for yourselves. There are valid arguments for both. The point is, these problem relationships exist, and I draw the attention of people who are in them.
I, in no way, am claiming that I think that I am the answer to all of these things either. I'm not saying that I find long-distance easy, am unbelievable in the sack, know how to support someone through every awful thing that could happen to them, or that I have unwavering conviction in myself everyday...but I do know what it feels like to be in a relationship that I wasn't sold on...and now, what it feels like to not be. I may be lonely sometimes, and even momentarily question the faith that I have in myself to have made the right decision...but at the end of the day, it was right for me.
I guess what I'm saying is, as someone who has been in a problem relationship, and as someone who seems to have known/does know quite a few people who are in one...are you in one? It's a really hard thing to delve into because it involves taking such an arduous, intricate look at yourself (something I've been focussing on a lot lately) and deciding on whether or not you are getting everything you need - a challenge even on the best of days.
Just food for thought,
- Jenn
Friday, October 22, 2010
"And then he winked at me. It was awkward."
Headed out to the Nova Scotia Music Educator's Conference today. It was actually a pretty good experience...even though I left about half way through to go look for halloween costumes (good little teacher I is). I also ran into one of my ex-vocal coaches today. Back in my first year of my undergrad, he started in the Education program at the same time. We ran in to each other in meal hall one day and he sat and talked to me for awhile. Before he left he offered to "help" me out with anything if I needed it through out the year. Anything at all. And then he winked at me. It was awkward. I hadn't seen him since then until today. He is married and has a kid with another on the way. Awesome.
Anyway, here are a few interesting facts that I learned today:
"Music majors are the most likely group of college grads to be admitted to medical school."
- Lewis Thomas, Case for Music in the Schools, Phi Delta Kappa, 1994
"Students who participate in school band or orchestra have the lowest levels of current and lifelong use of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs among any groups in our society."
- House of Congress, Res. 226, United States Senate, June 13, 2000
"A study of 7,500 university students revealed that music majors scored the highest reading scores among all majors including English, Biology, Chemistry, and Math."
- The Case for Music in the Schools, Phi Delta Kappa, 1994
"The foremost technical designers and engineers in Silicon Valley (companies like Apple) are almost all practicing musicians."
- Dee Dickinson, Music and the Mind, 1993
Things worth remembering the next time that someone says music has no place in our schools.
If music be the food of love, play on,
- Jenn
Headed out to the Nova Scotia Music Educator's Conference today. It was actually a pretty good experience...even though I left about half way through to go look for halloween costumes (good little teacher I is). I also ran into one of my ex-vocal coaches today. Back in my first year of my undergrad, he started in the Education program at the same time. We ran in to each other in meal hall one day and he sat and talked to me for awhile. Before he left he offered to "help" me out with anything if I needed it through out the year. Anything at all. And then he winked at me. It was awkward. I hadn't seen him since then until today. He is married and has a kid with another on the way. Awesome.
Anyway, here are a few interesting facts that I learned today:
"Music majors are the most likely group of college grads to be admitted to medical school."
- Lewis Thomas, Case for Music in the Schools, Phi Delta Kappa, 1994
"Students who participate in school band or orchestra have the lowest levels of current and lifelong use of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs among any groups in our society."
- House of Congress, Res. 226, United States Senate, June 13, 2000
"A study of 7,500 university students revealed that music majors scored the highest reading scores among all majors including English, Biology, Chemistry, and Math."
- The Case for Music in the Schools, Phi Delta Kappa, 1994
"The foremost technical designers and engineers in Silicon Valley (companies like Apple) are almost all practicing musicians."
- Dee Dickinson, Music and the Mind, 1993
Things worth remembering the next time that someone says music has no place in our schools.
If music be the food of love, play on,
- Jenn
Thursday, October 21, 2010
"Smacked in the face by that wafting funk."
Ok, so...
Most shocking though, was not the randomly scattered dirty laundry, food-crusted dishes, or even the soap-scum caked showers or repugnantly stained toilets. It was the smell. Yes, the smell! And not just any smell. A smell that is representative of itself and unmistakable in aroma. Body Odor. An overpowering stench that will send even the most desperate foragers fleeing in the opposite direction. It is a wonder to me that people can hunker down in their homes like that? I mean, I suppose if you were trapped in there for a while, you would become somewhat immune to the stank...but what about when you leave? There is no way that you could return to that from a day out in crisp, refreshing, unadulterated air and not be smacked in the face by that wafting funk.
I'm pretty sure that the whole experience has scarred me for life, but on a positive note...from now on, my place will always be clean!
Stay swicked,
- Jenn
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
"God of War?..Meet God of Mullets!"

Ok so...
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but does it seem like the mullet is making a comeback? Maybe it's that it never really left for some people, or maybe it's that I live in an area overrun with folkies from all walks of butt-%^&*-nowhere, but I swear I'm seeing more and more business in the front, party in the back coifs then ever before. I feel like I'm living in And actually, come to think of it, when I was home over Thanksgiving my parents and I went out for dinner to celebrate their anniversary and our waiter had a mullet! He was really young too - like could not have possibly been older than 25! I like to think that he lost a bet because there was tracks shaved in his sideburns as well, but still. There it was. Another mullet.
Is anyone else aware of this trend, or is it just me?
- Jenn
"I've always wanted to cheat. It's kind of on my bucket list."
Ok, so...
This blog, an effort that has been encouraged by many because I apparently tend to say clever things once in awhile, has been a thorn in my side because I didn't know where start. I've been trying to come up with something riveting to write about...pretty much to no avail, when I suddenly had an epiphany. I realized that the shit that has happened in my personal life as of late is about as funny as it gets. So, allow me to indulge you in what occurred about two weeks ago.
I'd been talking to a co-worker from the summer for just a few days - he will remain nameless, for his safety, and frankly...for my own as well. When/if he sees this, I am know that I am fully going down in flames for all of you! Anyway, when I left my job at the end of August to return to school, I opened my mouth and said something I probably shouldn't have. I told him that "if things didn't work out with his girlfriend, he should look me up." No harm, no foul right? WRONG!!! A word to the wise folks...if you question, even for a moment, whether or not something is right to say? Stop! Stop right then and shut your damn mouth, cause it isn't. Seriously. Count that as my first salient piece of advice to be featured in this blog because I have made that mistake more times then I will ever be able to recall and the mess has never, ever been easy to clean up. But I digress...the point of this story is not to relay my stupidity (there will be plenty of opportunities for that...believe me), it is to relay his.
Anyway, the conversations we engaged in took a little less than a kosher turn - I can admit that I was fully enamored by the attention. Stop rolling you eyes - don't even think for a second that you wouldn't be either. Guy or girl, attention from an attractive member of the opposite sex (or the same - no judgement here) is always enjoyed, even if not entirely wanted or warranted. That is salient piece of advice #2 by the way...we're all animals at heart. Anyway, eventually our heated exchanges resulted in this: "I've always kind of wanted to cheat. It's kind of on my bucket list." Erm, I'm sorry. What was that? What did you just say there? Did you say it was on your BUCKET LIST?? Your BUCKET LIST! I'm sorry, but I don't think that was what Academy Award winners Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson had in mind when they created their wish list of things to do "before they kicked the bucket" in the dramedy of the same name.
Now, I consider myself a realist and a fairly liberal person at heart. However, I also think that this rather relaxed approach to life and my choice to deal with things this way puts me in the minority. This part of my personality is something that he was very aware of, and was even once stated as one of the things he liked best about me...but c'mon. C'mon. Really? That is what you say to a woman you are trying to bag? I'm pretty sure that would have made most women turn their noses up in disgust and peace know, a-town-down and all that. For me, it didn't. But I was surprised - I can admit that. Gentleman (and I hope to have a few of you following me at some point), if you want to cheat on your current woman with the fox you met at the bar last night, or last week, last NOT voice it as being part of your $&#%ing Bucket List. Or forever consider that a chastity belt has been locked over your genitals, because shawty ain't never gonna touch your junk with a ten-foot poll.
So, that's it. Of course, the story goes on but not in a way that is either eventful or interesting enough to write about any further. Just remember, when you want to do something that would be considered as less than "amenable" with/to someone else, don't announce it as part of your freakin' Bucket List.
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
- Jenn
This blog, an effort that has been encouraged by many because I apparently tend to say clever things once in awhile, has been a thorn in my side because I didn't know where start. I've been trying to come up with something riveting to write about...pretty much to no avail, when I suddenly had an epiphany. I realized that the shit that has happened in my personal life as of late is about as funny as it gets. So, allow me to indulge you in what occurred about two weeks ago.
I'd been talking to a co-worker from the summer for just a few days - he will remain nameless, for his safety, and frankly...for my own as well. When/if he sees this, I am know that I am fully going down in flames for all of you! Anyway, when I left my job at the end of August to return to school, I opened my mouth and said something I probably shouldn't have. I told him that "if things didn't work out with his girlfriend, he should look me up." No harm, no foul right? WRONG!!! A word to the wise folks...if you question, even for a moment, whether or not something is right to say? Stop! Stop right then and shut your damn mouth, cause it isn't. Seriously. Count that as my first salient piece of advice to be featured in this blog because I have made that mistake more times then I will ever be able to recall and the mess has never, ever been easy to clean up. But I digress...the point of this story is not to relay my stupidity (there will be plenty of opportunities for that...believe me), it is to relay his.
Anyway, the conversations we engaged in took a little less than a kosher turn - I can admit that I was fully enamored by the attention. Stop rolling you eyes - don't even think for a second that you wouldn't be either. Guy or girl, attention from an attractive member of the opposite sex (or the same - no judgement here) is always enjoyed, even if not entirely wanted or warranted. That is salient piece of advice #2 by the way...we're all animals at heart. Anyway, eventually our heated exchanges resulted in this: "I've always kind of wanted to cheat. It's kind of on my bucket list." Erm, I'm sorry. What was that? What did you just say there? Did you say it was on your BUCKET LIST?? Your BUCKET LIST! I'm sorry, but I don't think that was what Academy Award winners Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson had in mind when they created their wish list of things to do "before they kicked the bucket" in the dramedy of the same name.
Now, I consider myself a realist and a fairly liberal person at heart. However, I also think that this rather relaxed approach to life and my choice to deal with things this way puts me in the minority. This part of my personality is something that he was very aware of, and was even once stated as one of the things he liked best about me...but c'mon. C'mon. Really? That is what you say to a woman you are trying to bag? I'm pretty sure that would have made most women turn their noses up in disgust and peace know, a-town-down and all that. For me, it didn't. But I was surprised - I can admit that. Gentleman (and I hope to have a few of you following me at some point), if you want to cheat on your current woman with the fox you met at the bar last night, or last week, last NOT voice it as being part of your $&#%ing Bucket List. Or forever consider that a chastity belt has been locked over your genitals, because shawty ain't never gonna touch your junk with a ten-foot poll.
So, that's it. Of course, the story goes on but not in a way that is either eventful or interesting enough to write about any further. Just remember, when you want to do something that would be considered as less than "amenable" with/to someone else, don't announce it as part of your freakin' Bucket List.
Keep on rockin' in the free world,
- Jenn
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