Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Things start to go well, and I'm nervous because I feel like I'm perched on the edge a fence, just waiting for a sharp wind to blow me off of it!"

Ok, so...

I feel a bit like I'm in the "calm before the storm." You know, where everything just seems too good to be true? If my life were to be portrayed in a watercolour landscape right now,  you would see a beguiling and exquisite potpourri of blues, golds, purples and yellows (no just doesn't work with my skintone). But then, if you looked way up in either of the top corners of the painting, perhaps as far as even under the edge of the frame, you would see a toxic sludge of black and grey seeping in.  You see, nothing is going badly, in fact, things are going pretty darn well. However, if there is one thing I have learned about myself as of late, it is that things never seem to stay on that path for too long. If they did, I would never have the scads of stuff to write about that have filled your computer screens with entertaining prattle and formed the very foundation of this blog. That's a little sad isn't it? Things start to go well, and I'm nervous because I feel like I'm perched on the edge a fence, just waiting for a sharp wind to blow me off of it! Perhaps the realist in me has developed a bit too much of a mind of it's own?

I've never been the hopeless romantic, or the "glass is half-full" kind of gal. That being said, I'm not a "glass is half-empty" kind of gal either. I take things in stride and try to see them for what they are. If something is going to take work, it's going to take work. If something is going to be difficult to achieve, it's going to be difficult to achieve. And, if something goes wrong, there is no use in crying over spilt milk. I can't reverse what has happened, so I might as well wipe up the mess the best I can and try not to stress over what was wasted. That is not always an easy approach to take, but I'm afraid that if I didn't look at things that way I'd end up with stomach ulcers because of how much I would agonize over details. I'd let things get to me, so I try really hard to move on.

But honestly, at the same time, this approach (good, or bad) is what puts me in the "calm before the storm" mindframe. That absolute assurance that something is bound to happen.

 Stay tuned folks, a storm is a brewin'  and it's coming your way.

Basking in the sun (for now),

 - Jenn

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